Grannies on Honeymoon

We dropped my parents at Dresden Airport for their flight to Madrid. Left them at Security Check Control but after that they went to Passport Control and got lost trying to find Gate 10 until the police came, checked their passport and visa, interrogated them on their destination, cancelled the exit stamp, guided them back to the correct gate. 😵‍💫

They could have just stayed at home with us but they think they are still young and quick on the head so they insist on flying everywhere. Seriously it has been a crazy summer with “4 kids” in tow. But we survived. Somehow.

Booked my parents a hotel within the center so all they needed to do is get a taxi from airport to hotel, walked around the center, taxi from hotel to airport and off to Portugal next. 

Good news is that they arrived well in both countries.

Bad news is that from Portugal to Berlin, they have a stopover in Frankfurt and they thought that luggage will be collected in Frankfurt so they waited and missed their flight to Berlin.  And I do not know if this is a Filipino culture or just how my parents are but it was clearly their fault why they missed their flight. Ignorance, stupidity or fate and it is all up to Lord, call it whatever. And then they want to pass the responsibility to other people to get their butt to their next destination. So they made some drama, dig on their stubborn heels and blamed the airline for their crisis.

I can only shake my head and feel sorry for the airport staff.  But they were given a free ticket and they did arrive in Berlin albeit late as planned. 🫣



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