Grade 3 capped the school year with a picnic at the Wiese (Field/Meadow).
Kids were tasked to prepare/cut/carve their own stick for Knüppelteig grilling. Something my kids and I never had before and we definitely enjoyed it. Me especially because I went back for another round and another. Hopefully, everyone was busy and not minding me and how much I have eaten. 🤭

The rest of the afternoon are spent talking with other parents and teachers while the kids are out playing and simply enjoying the day being outdoor.
Kids will be grade 4 this coming August except for 1 who has to repeat grade 3. My girl said that it was announced by the teacher in the class and how the kid in question might be sad at the moment but it will help her prepare well and that she will have 2 times more friends as a result.
Not sure if this is embarrasing for the kid and the parents but as in the case with my brother, a new school for a completely new environment is the way to go.