Berlin & Potsdam

We are now in the last stretch of our Summer holiday with the grannies. Who knows when we will ever get the opportunity of happy times together again. Travelling to Philippines is not in our list for the next 5 years and they are definitely not travelling back to Europe again. Unfortunately, it is what it is.

As usual, booked 2 rooms for us and grannies. Mann happened to be with me at the reception and he was shocked of how much our room cost. I guess he was out of touch with the going rate of a family room since I have always decided and paid for it for the last uhm, 10 years? 🤭

We have weekends together so on Saturday, we took a train to Potsdam, capital of the federal region of Brandenburg.  If you have seen the Korean tv series, Queen of Tears, location  site is at Sanssouci Palace. Potsdam however is quite huge and we cannot cover much on our own feet. But we went where we can starting with Neues Palais or New Palace that is not exactly new as it was built in 18th Century.

Sunday evening is the grannies flight back to Philippines. But before that, we went and walk around Berlin starting with Brandenburg Gate that was also built in the 18th Century. From the name itself, it is a gate that mark the road from Berlin to Brandenburg an der Havel.

And that ends our Summer Holiday ladies and gentlemen. Dropped my parents at the airport and its just the 4 of us again in our car heading home. Thankfully, I have my family now to keep me busy. It was sad to say goodbye as always but then we move on again with our lives.

As we should.



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