Happiness – Die Geografie des Glücks

Dragged my family yesterday and did not know what to expect except that I got a free ticket for it. In summary, it is a moving theater that started in ratshaus/ city hall and off we go around the town in search for happiness or Glück as what the theater is all about while carrying a mobile chair.

It lasted more than 3 hours and we did not even finished it because kids were hungry. 

I did NOT understand much of it because it was all a mixture of german, spanish and russian. But it was a good production as a whole with live band and dancing act. Funny thing is how we complained about our town being a ghost town but there are people who actually do something to make it alive.  We have to appreciate those people. And it was surprising to see some people we knew like our dentist and a father from one of the Kindergarten kids having such talent in performing arts. Something that we definitely do not have.

And if you ask me, happiness for me is at the basic animal level. To eat well and shit well.  And if that is done. Then good health and for my kids to do well in life so that I can die in peace.

What is happiness for you?



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