
This is a Bisaya word about couples who decided to marry and the family of the guy visits the family of the girl to see if they have anything against the marriage.  Because it is not only a union of two people but a union of 2 families.

Wedding date, who will pay what, gifts, where they will live, blah blah blah are all laid down on the table over dinner for everyone to agree to disagree.

Last Sunday, my brother and parents went to visit the family of the girl. But it will just be a dinner as a nod to that tradition.  After all, the wedding is already set. 😅

I asked about the pamalaye and it seemed that girl’s stepmother questioned the wedding this year instead of doing it later. Never mind that the girl is already 34 years old. But if the stepmother demanded part of the salary for the “church” and payment for house loan, I guess she wanted to make sure the cash flow from the girl remains. She smell pounds and are like shark who is out for blood.

What I do not understand however is why the girl cannot say no to all this shit. As if she is not an adult who cannot live and decide where her own money should go. 🤔



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