Level 3: Violin

Girl has been learning violin for 3 years now. What was just a test run became a routine and now a part of her life. 

A quote from a Japanese Violinist, Shinichi Suzuki:

“Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If a child hears fine music from the day of his birth, and learns to play it himself, he develops sensitivity, discipline and endurance. He gets a beautiful heart.”

Music is very important for me that is why I insists on it. And we are in Germany, a country that bores a lot of classical composers like Mozart and Pachelbel.  It would be a waste not to learn music really.

So I am happy for my girl that she got this far. May she continue to learn. As for me, never mind. I am still stuck with level 2 for more than a year now. 🫣



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