Goldilock’s Pork Dinuguan

Last pinoy party, I got my kids to join all games because winner or not, they get a prize anyway. And one of the prizes is this Goldilock’s Pork Dinuguan. Originally, the recipe calls for pig’s blood. Really surprised that this pack of chemicals actually smells like dinuguan and does not taste so bad too….

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Mann asked me what I want for my birthday and I said korean food. And I want to go there for lunch because helloooo mittagsangebot. 🤣 Bulgogi, i am coming with an empty stomach and a biggggggg mouth.. 🤤🥘 P R O M I SE! Have you tried Bulgogi or any Korean food yet? Greetings,…

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Hello Kahlil Gibran

“Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself… You may give them your love but not your thoughts, for they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, for their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow…” Kahlil Gibran A schoolmate…

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We went out fishing today. On the way, there were several people standing in the cold while holding a big telescope or camera. Bird watchers you may call them. I like to watch birds too and this is my most favorite viewpoint. Come to think of it, I dont understand fishing too when you can…

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