Pfand for 25 Cent

When buying drinks in Germany, you actually pay for the drink itself plus a deposit/pfand of 25 cent which you can get if you return the empty bottles at recycling center located in every grocery store. Question: Am I the only one who keeps the empty bottles that we ordered in restaurants and eateries? Every…

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Working Hours

A proposal to work 69 hours per week in South Korea is met with a protest. Must be a stressful working life there. To think that they already have a problem with low birth rate, high suicide rate and serious sleep deprivation. Back in Philippines, I do 48 hours per week and it was a…

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Mcdonalds in Germany is the first country in the world to serve plant based nuggets from Beyond Meat.. 20 years from now, plant based would probably be the normal food and real meat will be a thing of the past. 🤔 Prices for real meat will probably go up then. Maybe I should start raising…

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