A Bachelor Degree in Germany

I have a Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering in Germany. Or so it says in this certificate from Kultusminister Konferenz (KMK), The Zentralstelle für Ausländisches Bildungswesen. Getting a job did not happen that quickly for me here in Germany. I have been asked if I can move to Cologne or Stuttgart but relocation is out…

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Christmas 2015

He who controls the past controls the future. Orwell, 19984 I would like to take some time and look back of how life was from today. And the conclusion is: so far so good. Truth be told, I cannot think of anything that I would like to change in my past. It is pointless anyway…

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A Fresh Start

I enjoy starting again with a clean slate. And hopefully with a new insight and some maturity to make it a bit better this time than before. Thankfully, this is not possible in real life. For better or for worse, I am happy where I am right now. I hope you are too. Date now…

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