A Cursed Book

My girl kept telling me that her Sachunterricht book in school is hunted or cursed. Not understanding what she meant, I went through the book and saw this picture.

Coming from Philippines where this topic is a taboo back in the 80s, it was a bit vulgarish for me for a school book. I do not remember seeing this picture in any of my books. Catholicism has quite a stronghold still in the country and I went to an all-girl catholic school so such thing is deemed inappropriate. 

But in the east part of Germany where FKK is normal and you could literally see a dick swinging anywhere near some lakes then there is nothing shocking about this picture.

The kids in grade 4 will soon have a specialist who visits their school for a day and talk about sex and similar topics. I like it this way. Better to have it out in the open straight from an expert’s mouth instead of learning it from other kids or worse, from the internet. 

But why is the book cursed? I still do not know. Girl does not have any other word to describe something she never saw before other than hunted, cursed or weird.



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