Puto Maya

Did not think I will be trying my hand on cooking puto maya. A lot can happen when you are desperate. Puto Maya is like cooking rice but I use sticky rice, coconut milk, add some ginger for that nice smell and a bit of sugar. It turned out good. Unfortunately, mango does not tastes…

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Pregnant/ Schwanger

I am 32 years old, pregnant for the first time and my mom is thousand miles away. But like most Filipinos, I just shrug my shoulder and que sera sera. Whatever will be, will be. Bahala na si Batman! I eat, I walk to my school, I study and sleep. The rest is up to…

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Writing an E-mail

Before I traveled to Germany, I tried to teach mom how to send an email. Unfortunately, she have decided that it is too difficult and that she can’t remember everything always due to old age. So she wrote this step by step guide… Until now, she still haven’t been able to send me a single…

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