Smileys for Grade 1

Student Life in Philippines is different from Germany. I remember waking up early at 5 in the morning, cold shower, breakfast, 3 kids riding at the back of my father’s motorcycle, school from 7:30 to 4:30, going home, assignment, and finally sleep. We have mini-exams and 4 major exams in the whole school year and…

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The S-Question

Our 7 year old girl has some questions and Mann answered: Penis carries male seeds which needs to be planted in the Vagina to meet the female seed before it will be transported to the stomach where babies grow. 😱 German life is truly different from my Philippine-Catholic life in the 80s where there is…

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There is no Schulanfang in Philippines so there are many question mark for me until the day finally arrived. For foreign mother in Germany, this is how it works for my kid who will be going in Klasse 1 (First Grade) in Sachsen. Friday evening: Give Zuckertüte to the Teacher Saturday is the Schulanfang and…

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A Bachelor Degree in Germany

I have a Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering in Germany. Or so it says in this certificate from Kultusminister Konferenz (KMK), The Zentralstelle für Ausländisches Bildungswesen. Getting a job did not happen that quickly for me here in Germany. I have been asked if I can move to Cologne or Stuttgart but relocation is out…

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