Avocado and More

This is my nth attempt to grow avocado. Because I so love avocado and nowadays, my favorite avocado variety called Hass, has about 28% price increase. So please grow and bear lots of avocados for my tummy Hass seed! Speaking of which, I am stil waiting for my papaya to bear fruits. 🤨 And my…

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Vibrato in Violin is when the left hand moves back and forth to create that vibrating sound. Been watching a lot of youtube tutorial this weekend and my left hand is shaking alright but then so is the violin, my right hand, the bow as well and even my head a bit. I am telling…

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Fiedel Max

I told myself not to spend any money yet until the next payday but sometimes I have no control of my fingers. Or maybe I do but I am just confident that if worse comes to worst, Mann ist da! 🤭 So here I am, another violin book for 14 euro. Just because I am…

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Catch of the Day

Weather is lovely today for a so called “winter” being 17C, no wind and its sunny. So Mann played hooky today and went fishing instead. Since 8 this morning however, this is his only catch. If Mann is a fisherman, his family will starve. But being a pinoy, I can always stretch this with a…

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