Hello Boy

We do not wish that our girl will stay in the hospital that long. So after helping me settle in my room, Mann went home with the girl. At 11 in the evening, I started to feel contractions but I hold myself well. Breath in. Breath out. I have done this before. By 3 in…

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Pregnant, again

I am pregnant again. And while I was at the doctor, Mann made this drawing to help our girl understand the latest news. Things are turning well for this year: Girl will be in Kindergarten soon, I got a home office job, baby number two is on the way. Greetings,Karlota

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Pregnant/ Schwanger

I am 32 years old, pregnant for the first time and my mom is thousand miles away. But like most Filipinos, I just shrug my shoulder and que sera sera. Whatever will be, will be. Bahala na si Batman! I eat, I walk to my school, I study and sleep. The rest is up to…

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