School is Cool

Every child is accounted for in Germany so nobody gets left behind.  This means that school is mandatory and must be registered in a school by the time they reached the age of 6. To prove this, I received a letter from the state telling me that they have not received any record of my…

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Germans and their Laute: selbst, mit, um und zwie. Grrrr. I asked Mann what the heck is that and he said he forgot. 😡 So I had to scan the books and check google otherwise, girl will not get it right in her klassenarbeit this wednesday. 😬 There was a notice of “klassenarbeit” and I…

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There is no Schulanfang in Philippines so there are many question mark for me until the day finally arrived. For foreign mother in Germany, this is how it works for my kid who will be going in Klasse 1 (First Grade) in Sachsen. Friday evening: Give Zuckertüte to the Teacher Saturday is the Schulanfang and…

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