
🇵🇭 from Philippines 🇩🇪 made Germany a second home 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 a wife of 1, a mama of 2 ⌨️ environmental compliance projects 🎻 trying to learn violin

A Bachelor Degree in Germany

I have a Bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering in Germany. Or so it says in this certificate from Kultusminister Konferenz (KMK), The Zentralstelle für Ausländisches Bildungswesen. Getting a job did not happen that quickly for me here in Germany. I have been asked if I can move to Cologne or Stuttgart but relocation is out…

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After some serious discussions, we ended up having a 4-days holiday in Rome. This Pinay won of course versus poor hapless German. Had to put my ugly feet down when Mann started planning one fishing trip after another. Like President Duterte who seeks to meet other Filipinos whenever he is abroad, we seek Filipino Restaurants….

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Parents in Europe

Parents visited Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, France and the Czech Republic. A total of 6 countries in Europe but I am still puzzled as to how they managed to do all these without missing trains and planes. Grandpa will immediately fall in line at the first queue he saw while the grandma will go check…

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