Incoming Student

Not sure about other country  but in Germany, there is so much drama for incoming first grader. Boy just had another round of medical check-up and issue raised was german and concentration skill.  We were asked if boy is going to school next year and Mann said: definitely. 😄 Question: Can anyone really stop us…

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Death Call

If someone dies in your neighborhood, who you gonna call? My mom. 🫡 Already retired and receiving pension, but she freelance and sells death insurance or Sterbegeldversicherung as we call it in Germany. With our insurance company HanseMerkur, they offer funeral insurance also for a minimum of 8 euro per month (500 pesos). Much much…

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School is Cool

Every child is accounted for in Germany so nobody gets left behind.  This means that school is mandatory and must be registered in a school by the time they reached the age of 6. To prove this, I received a letter from the state telling me that they have not received any record of my…

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