The Yellow Pool

Terra nostra is a park with botanical garden and geothermal iron rich hot spring or yellow pool as the kids called it. Its difficult to go bankrupt in Azores. A kid’s meal can be as low as 2 euro, fishing license cost only 1 euro and 3 cent. Terra nostra cost only 10 euro for…

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Lisbon Again

We are travelling again outside Germany since news of Covid disrupted our lives. Three years is a long time not to have a “real” holiday and we forgot how tiring it can be. 🤣 But I love it. I love Portugal. It is our second time here and just walking around the grocery store alone…

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Hello Havelland

Together with his colleagues from work, Mann had his one-day fishing guide tour with Jan Borek. They were busy catching Zander from 7AM to 4PM and I got busy with the kids walking through the park and chatting with my mom. We did not actually stay in the old castle Plaue but there is a…

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