Creatine for Protein

My lovely brother asked me to check this so called best creatine products which is made in germany. I checked the website itself and it looked so fishy. Looks like it is an American company but why declare it to be made in Germany? Told him to be careful about taking anything because it will…

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Right Answers

First time girl got a grade of 3 in her Math exam and I feel like more of my hair turned white from the shock alone. There are always a lot of ways to kill and eat a fish. I guess this is not one of those ways. Expected answer to earn a score is…

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A Late Picnic

Whit Monday is a holiday in Germany. And I do not cook on holidays. Or so I declared. So doing what a wife does best, nagged my Mann to take us on a picnic for dinner. Cooked some rice at least because hello, Pinoy here and I am raising 2 half pinoys. Then I packed…

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Girl sleepwalks. Not everyday but it happens sometimes. Each and every episode is different. Last night she stood up, started walking and when she hit the wall, she turned around and climbed back to bed. And always she cannot remember when I asked her about it the next day. It all looked so cute and…

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