
We took our papa rabbit to the animal doctor to be castrated for 118 euro. If this is in Philippines, my father would have become a quack doctor and do the surgery by himself. Without anesthesia too just to save some money. But then again, they would not have a rabbit in the first place…

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Mann and his dust collector items. This time its the mandalorian. 🤭 Lego items for 6+ year old which he smuggled while we went to buy some grocery. And the kids smuggled also a minecraft lego box. I was wondering on our way back why I paid more than a hundred euro again.  Turned out…

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We had a parent-teacher meeting for our girl and I think I was the only one who dragged my husband there with me. Girl asked why we BOTH have to attend it because one parent should be enough surely. Uhm, because we are both a retard? 😀 My German is still not enough and probably…

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Where is Palestine?

Mom called me to talk about the war in Israel and how she hoped that she will not have her grandkids happily playing one second and then running for their lives the next. Then my father interrupted which ended up both Parents arguing because father wanted to trace back history from the time of Abraham…

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