Death in Advent

One window per day until christmas. That is adventskalendar. And boy yesterday told me happily that he opened 2 windows yesterday in kindergarten and get to eat 2 chocolates. Me: and did you ask if it has nuts? Boy: no Me: remember to always ask or your face will turn red and you cannot breathe…

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Mann asked me what I want for my birthday and I said korean food. And I want to go there for lunch because helloooo mittagsangebot. 🤣 Bulgogi, i am coming with an empty stomach and a biggggggg mouth.. 🤤🥘 P R O M I SE! Have you tried Bulgogi or any Korean food yet? Greetings,…

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Travel Laundry

We usually argued over laundry when travelling. I want to know the price and Mann said that its not good to always ask for the price. 😱 What nonsense is that?? I still need to eat tomorrow. My kids still need to eat tomorrow! 🤣 Laundry in Thailand cost about 300 to 400 Baht (8…

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