Must use that Pinky

A string-4th finger is similar to plain and simple E string. I thought to cheat and just use E finger but Pro-Am String said that avoiding the 4th finger is not helping the tiny pinky in the long run.😰 Makes me wonder what else did I avoid just to have that easy and familiar path….

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Mcdonalds in Germany is the first country in the world to serve plant based nuggets from Beyond Meat.. 20 years from now, plant based would probably be the normal food and real meat will be a thing of the past. 🤔 Prices for real meat will probably go up then. Maybe I should start raising…

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Quiboloy: Wanted by the FBI

Saw a post in Facebook group for Filipinos in Germany inviting people for worship together with pastor Quiboloy. Pastor Quiboloy by the way proclaimed himself to be”the Appointed Son of God” as well as being “the Owner of the Universe”. And since Dec 2022, is wanted by the FBI. So this invitation confuses me a bit….

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