Via Qatar Airways

With Qatar Airways it took about 5 hours from Berlin to Doha. Kids enjoyed the entertainment brought by Oryx One so they pretty much left me on my own to snore in peace. Happy are the small people. We seemed to fit quite fine in the small cramp economy seat. It is tight but we…

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Bierkrug and Pasalubong

A Pasalubong is a gift/souvenir given by a person who returned home to family and friends. A small item from that faraway land that you have previously been. So when someone asked me for an American shoes prized at 800 euro. I laughed. I have never been to America yet and 800 Euro? Since when…

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Countdown to Summer

Civilization in 9 days ladies and gentlemen. 😭😭😭 Contrary to some people who literally asked me if my parents are farmer or fishermen, I actually grow up in the city where young/noisy people are aplenty and restaurants specializing in different cuisines can be easily had instead of it being 50 km away. 10 years living…

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