Charles & Keith is a Luxury

So a Pinoy girl in Singapore was given a gift from her father and she was so happy to have her first “luxury” bag. And she was being ridiculed online because charles and keith is not “luxury” item. Question: according to whose standard?? But its good to be young and to care about such things…

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Best Prize

I was playing a game with the kids, and when I won, the boy said, “For your prize mama, you will get…. meeee” (and then he made this cute face). And when I lose, the boy says, “It’s okay, Mama, you already have the best prize. What’s the best prize you’ve won? Greetings, Karlota

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Violin, Self-Learning

My 8 year old girl is currently taking a violin lesson. When she practices at home, I have no idea if she is practicing correctly or not. So I took upon myself to learn violin too. Using my girl’s 1/2 sized violin, several youtube videos and Stepping Stones book by Katherine and Hugh Colledge, I…

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Goldilock’s Pork Dinuguan

Last pinoy party, I got my kids to join all games because winner or not, they get a prize anyway. And one of the prizes is this Goldilock’s Pork Dinuguan. Originally, the recipe calls for pig’s blood. Really surprised that this pack of chemicals actually smells like dinuguan and does not taste so bad too….

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