
Power interruption in our area is being planned and announced. Not always the case but it must be something important for them to spend money on paper and send the notice to people. And its a good thick expensive paper even. So what to do when you do not hear any noise except for birds…

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Level 3: Violin

Girl has been learning violin for 3 years now. What was just a test run became a routine and now a part of her life.  A quote from a Japanese Violinist, Shinichi Suzuki: “Teaching music is not my main purpose. I want to make good citizens. If a child hears fine music from the day…

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Holiday: Reformation

I have been working for 7 years in Germany now in a home office setting and I just learned today that as a rule, holiday in Germany is dictated on where I live and not where the employer resides. And all because I filed a holiday for the first time for Oct. 31 so I…

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A Cursed Book

My girl kept telling me that her Sachunterricht book in school is hunted or cursed. Not understanding what she meant, I went through the book and saw this picture. Coming from Philippines where this topic is a taboo back in the 80s, it was a bit vulgarish for me for a school book. I do…

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