
At girl’s school, all test papers require a signature from parents. But I cannot sign the last Mathe exam and wrote a note instead. The paper came back the next day with corrections which I can finally sign. Lessons that my girl can learn from this activity. 1. Never ever sign anything that she has…

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Right Answers

First time girl got a grade of 3 in her Math exam and I feel like more of my hair turned white from the shock alone. There are always a lot of ways to kill and eat a fish. I guess this is not one of those ways. Expected answer to earn a score is…

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We usually slept in on weekends but today, I signed my girl up for Saturday academy or Samstagakademie at third gymnasium. Yes, our dorf/bukid has 3 gymnasium. Can u believe that? Given that Germany has low birth rates similar to South Korea and Japan, I wonder if they have problems filling their rooms with kids….

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