
At girl’s school, all test papers require a signature from parents. But I cannot sign the last Mathe exam and wrote a note instead. The paper came back the next day with corrections which I can finally sign. Lessons that my girl can learn from this activity. 1. Never ever sign anything that she has…

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Right Answers

First time girl got a grade of 3 in her Math exam and I feel like more of my hair turned white from the shock alone. There are always a lot of ways to kill and eat a fish. I guess this is not one of those ways. Expected answer to earn a score is…

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We usually slept in on weekends but today, I signed my girl up for Saturday academy or Samstagakademie at third gymnasium. Yes, our dorf/bukid has 3 gymnasium. Can u believe that? Given that Germany has low birth rates similar to South Korea and Japan, I wonder if they have problems filling their rooms with kids….

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Secondary School in Germany

School System in Germany is confusing for someone like me who came from the carabao island. Primary school from grade 1 to 4 is the same for all. Afterwhich, depending on their grades, kids are segragated between hauptschule (lowest) realschule (middle) and gymnasium (highest). But what is this oberschule and mittelschule about and where do…

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