How to Memorize a Poem

This poem about U-boot needs to be memorized and my girl only has 3 days left. Girl said that she should be excused because she was sick. An idea that I do not really like. She is no longer sick now and sickness should not be used as an excuse in life. It invites pity…

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Girl is learning to write a letter in school so I told her to write an invitation letter if she wants to have her friends for her birthday. She said she will invite 3 people only. 🤭 She made a lot of mistakes but it is getting better with each letter she writes. There are…

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I Pop U, U Pop Me

Once or Twice a Year, pinoys in Germany meet up and make a Picnic by the Elbe. And we are a living proof that its not the place that is making Philippines fun but whenever/wherever a boatload of its people are together. Here’s a short video of one of the games being played: balloon popping…

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